Friday, March 20, 2015

My Life with the Walter Boys--Ali Novak

Jackie just lost her entire family to a tragic car accident. After the accident, her uncle moved in to her New York City apartment to try and get her life back to normal. However, it wasn't really working, most of the people around her were worried that she was closing herself off to others. So what do they decide to do?! Ship her off to Colorado with a family friend, who has twelve kids! It gets better, not just twelve kids but twelve boys. (Eleven if we are being technical but the one girl is a tom boy to the extreme.)

So just from the start the premise is a bit weird. Send a girl who might be depressed away from everything she knows to people she has never met. In my opinion not smart.  She doesn’t really know where she fits in anymore, so the brothers help her find a spot in their school.

Most of the drama surrounds her and her romance (or lack thereof) with two of the brothers. Isn’t that one of the first rules in the girl code? Do NOT, I repeat DO NOT date brothers.  On top of that don’t date your roommates.  Maybe it’s just me but those seem like a really good list of things to not do. But Jackie does them ALL. Goodness woman, haven’t you learned anything in all the books you claimed to have read.

This book really irritated me, while I know it was set in high school, what parent is okay with their son having a different girl over every week and well known hook-ups.  Then there were all the shenanigans that the older kids got into. It just wasn’t plausible and really simplistic.  While I was reading it, it was okay but it was definitely not the best that I have read in a while. Disappointing since I heard good things about it.

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