This book sucked me in from the very beginning and had me sitting at the
edge of my seat needed to know who Cal was. And that was just the first
few pages. Immediately I knew that I was going to like this book. Erin
was a rather harsh and emotionally stunted female lead but her desire to
care for others was an endearing quality that is lacking in quite a few
of the more stoic females these days.
Then we have the hunk of the hour--Adam Trent. Sexy-man cop and sexy-man in general, he busts into Erin's life like a SWAT team in a drug den. (Cop pun intended) Of course he isn't SWAT but he does wear cargo pants and is, in my brain, quite a beef cake. He has he kink (as guessed by the cover art) but I mean which male lead doesn't these days. It’s like "50 shades" is the new vanilla. But I think that his kink had its benefits as opposed to just being for sex. It was to prove and build trust. Something that both the lead characters had a hard time doing.
Shoot their lives had so many fucked up things happen to them I am surprised that they were functioning adults. The major plot adventure I thought was kind of predictable, I mean I was calling it from about halfway into the book. That being said, I still hung on every word of this book. I mean I started it four hours ago. I could not put it down. I had to when it was bedtime for my kiddo, so switching from this intense book to "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" was quite a shock to my system but worth it.
I will reread this book. I will re the rest of the series and I cannot wait to see how Jason's story plays out. He seems even more twisted than his brother. Can't Wait!!
This review was written at midnight. There may be some errors which I will fix in the morning, or afternoon--depending on when my brain kicks in.
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